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St. John's C of E VC Infants' School

'Let your light shine'
Matthew 5:16


Children are expected to attend school for the full 190 days of the academic year, unless there is a good reason for absence. Full attendance is vital for your child’s educational progress.

The school regards absences as a very serious concern and there is an overwhelming connection between those pupils who are frequently absent and those who go on to underachieve in the future.

We understand that children have minor illnesses e.g. Viruses and infections.

When your child is absent, please ring the school office on the first day of absence by 10am. When this has been done, there is no need to send a letter of explanation when your child returns to school. If a message or letter is not received when your child returns to school, the absence will be recorded as “unauthorised”. In the event that your child has had symptoms of vomiting and diarrhoea, they should not be sent school until at least 48 hours has past, since the last bout. The same procedure will be expected to be followed should your child be sent home from school for vomiting and/or diarrhoea.

If your child needs to leave school during school time for an appointment, a note must be sent beforehand. No child will be allowed to leave school during the school day unaccompanied.


School begins at 8.50am. Please can you ensure that your child arrives at school on time. Any child arriving later than 8.50am should enter school via the main entrance reporting to the school office. The register closes at 9.15am. If your child is late beyond this time it will be considered as an absence and therefore a letter is required.

Leave of Absence During Term Time

Please check school holiday dates – we send them out with the school’s monthly newsletter.

Parents are strongly urged to avoid taking leave during term time.  In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to request leave of absence. All such cases should be applied for in writing on the schools Application For Request For Leave Of Absence During Term Time Form. Parents should request leave of absence in advance and all requests should be submitted at least two weeks before the first day of intended absence using the form. The Headteacher will then make a decision as to whether the absence will be authorised.

Encouraging Attendance and Punctuality

The School will monitor all attendance; any cause of concern will be discussed with child’s parent/ carer. Any absence with no reason provided will be followed up with a phone call or letter. If your child is persistently absent it may be necessary for a referral to be made to Amanda Thorpe our Parent Family Support Advisor

The School encourages outstanding attendance every week by rewarding the class that has the best attendance. This will be announced in the weekly newsletter.

Attendance Owls

As a parent, do not to allow your child to have time off school unless it is really necessary. Try and make any appointments for your child outside school time. If you have any concerns, or require help and support speak to your child’s class teacher. You may contact the school’s attached Parent Family Support Advisor by email


For notification of illness or any other reason why your child is not at school, including leave of absence requests, please call 01458 832085  or email: