Message from the Headteacher

24th June 2022
Message from the Headteacher
Dear Parents/Carers,
We had another great trip to Longleat with our Reception classes this week. We hope the children enjoyed it as much as we did.
We have been very lucky to receive a grant from Somerset Garden Trust of £350 to spend on gardening equipment and plants. We are very grateful to Somerset Garden Trust and Miss Tudor who runs our Gardening Club.
Transition activities have started both at our school and at St Benedicts. Transfer day, when all children currently in school will spend the day in their new class, is on Wednesday 6th of July. If your child is in Year 2 you will need to take your child to St Benedicts that day.
There will be six classes next year in St Johns. Two Reception Classes, two Year 1 classes and two Year 2 classes.
The year 2 and Nursery children will also have leavers events that you will be invited to see dates below. Any questions please do ask.
I will be attending the Glastonbury Festival this weekend, it always reminds me how lucky we are to live so close to such a magical event. Whatever you are doing this weekend I hope you have a great time.
Kerry Devane - Acting Headteacher