Message from the Headteacher

10th June 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Monday was very musical this week. We had an African Drumming workshop all day for Year 1 and 2 and the Year 2 children started their weekly Choir practice with a specialist Music teacher in preparation for their Leavers Concert in July. Nursery and Reception will also be joining in the Monday music fun next week with 'Hop, Skip and Sing' sessions. The children will enjoy singing and movement sessions in the hall and Nursery. Music and singing is a fantastic way for children to express themselves, learn new language and learn about rhythm and tone. We are very pleased that we can offer these opportunities for the children.
Nursery have had some very jubilant Jubilee celebrations, crown making, picnics and processions. The children have really enjoyed themselves.
Next week we will be taking the KS1 children to Longleat. Please make sure you have filled in the forms and made a voluntary contribution if you are able to. Children will need to wear a comfortable pair of shoes and a raincoat. Please make sure they have a bag or rucksack that they can comfortably put on their backs and walk around with. Please ensure everything can also fit in the bag including a water bottle and their packed lunch if they are bringing their own. The Reception children will visit the following week.
We will be providing Summer Holiday club provision for the first 3 weeks of the school holidays. Please see ClassDojo for a post with details of how to book.
I hope you all have a restful weekend and that we get a bit of sunshine.
Kerry Devane - Acting Headteacher