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St. John's C of E VC Infants' School

'Let your light shine'
Matthew 5:16

Our School Rules

Tea with Mrs Turner and Dojo points

We are embracing our new School Rules here at St John's. The children are demonstrating some brilliant "wonderful walking" as they move around the school. Each week, a group of children are invited to have "Tea with Mrs Turner" where they are treated to a drink and cake or biscuits with Mrs Turner, our Headteacher. Demonstrating the school rules; Be safe, be kind, be ready will earn a raffle ticket. In our collective worship on Friday, tickets are drawn from a tombola barrel and the lucky winners will have "T with T" and can wear their own clothes the following Monday.

The teachers are also using Dojo points to reward pupils who are following the rules. You can view your child's Dojo points using the app. If you require a logon to Dojo, please speak to your child's teacher.

Please also watch this space for our new school rules poster which will soon be ready to share! Thank you for your support.